2 Top Consumer Staples Stocks to Buy Now

Consumer staples have been one of the few sectors to hold steady through the coronavirus crisis.

This group of stocks, made up of companies selling things like packaged food and household products, tends to be recession-proof. This time around, it has demonstrated its defensive positioning once again as consumers flocked to supermarkets to stockpile goods like food, toilet paper, and cleaning products when the pandemic hit, while most other industries saw sales plummet.

With the economy now plunging into a recession and signs that some degree of social distancing is going to be in effect for at least the coming months, consumer staples stocks should continue to outperform the market and provide a degree of safety that few sectors can offer during such an uncertain time. If you're looking to add a few stocks to coronavirus-proof your portfolio, keep reading to see why Clorox (NYSE: CLX) and Dollar General (NYSE: DG) fit the bill.

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