$3,000 Invested in These 3 Industries Could Make You a Fortune Over the Next 10 Years

There have been a number of unexpected consequences from the stay-at-home orders that have blanketed the globe. Many of them have been negative, but there've been some beneficiaries from the global lockdown. A small number of industries have reaped the lion's share of the stock market gains over the past several months and will likely continue to benefit for months and years to come.

The companies that are leaders in each of these industries are perfectly positioned to benefit from the powerful societal shifts and demographic trends that were accelerated by the pandemic, and will likely flourish in the coming decade.

Assuming you have an emergency fund to fall back on and $3,000 (or less) in disposable cash you don't need for immediate expenses, here are three industries that are perfectly positioned to harvest the benefits of the paradigm shift that has occurred and that could make you a small fortune over the next 10 years.

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