5 Reasons Shopify Could Be the Biggest Winner from E-Commerce's Surging Growth

One of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the accelerated adoption of e-commerce by consumers. With stay-at-home orders and remote work becoming the new normal, even merchants that had long resisted the growing trend have been forced to transition to online sales.

A company well-positioned to benefit from the trend is Shopify (NYSE: SHOP). The e-commerce solutions specialist helps entrepreneurs and merchants big and small set up and maintain their online stores -- with monthly plans starting at just $29. Once those e-commerce sites up and running, Shopify helps their operators scale them as they grow, providing access to a host of services including digital advertising, payment processing, inventory management, and shipping and logistics services.

Here are five good reasons to believe that the road ahead could be long and lucrative for Shopify.

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