For Artificial Intelligence, the Future Is Now

Watershed technologies such as AlphaGo make it easy to forget that artificial intelligence (AI) isn't just a futuristic dream. It's already here -- and we interact with it every day.

"Smart" traffic lights, fraud detection, mobile bank deposits, and, of course, internet search -- each of these technologies involves AI of some kind. As we have grown used to AI in these instances, it has become part of the scenery -- we see it, but we no longer notice it. Expect that trend to continue: As AI grows increasingly ubiquitous, it'll become increasingly invisible.

Major advancements in technologies dependent on AI -- among them robotics, machine vision, natural-language processing, and machine learning -- will soon work their way into our daily lives. Whether it's driverless cars or delivery drones, we're on the cusp of a radical shift.

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