Glance — All-in-one Quick Look plugin for macOS

“ Hello, Product Hunt! 👋 Very excited to share my latest Mac app, Glance! 😊 Quick Look is a very handy and time-saving feature for Mac power users. By pressing the Space bar, it allows you to peek into files without opening them. macOS supports previews for various file types out of the box. However, there are also many that aren't supported, especially files that developers usually interact with. I used to have five different apps installed to support such files (one for code, one for JSON, one for Markdown, etc.). But it bothered me that their previews don't have a consistent look, don't support Dark Mode, and that some of them might stop working in the future because they still use a deprecated macOS API. Glance solves all these problems and combines the features of many plugins into one. It provides consistent and beautiful previews. The app is completely free, open source and easy to extend for new file types! 🎉 ” – Samuel Meuli

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