Quz Chat — Connect in a click.

“ Tired of scrambling around the house trying to find that one working pen and scrap piece of paper for your weekly quarantine quiz, or multitasking your way through a video chat that works on everyone’s devices and finding one which is simple enough for your Granny to log into?.... Yes it seems we’ve all been there recently and well we now have just what you need to make quiz quarantining all the more better! Introducing the brand-new online quiz video chat site Quz Chat! Start a quiz at the touch of a button, all you need to do is create a chat and share a link…simple! Connect in just a click! You can dive straight into some tricky quiz questions or run your own quiz over video chat. We want you to quiz however you want, when you want, with who you want. In times like this, we all need to look out for each other so Quz Chat is completely free, no time limits or hidden charges. “Having experienced myself all these technical challenges of a simple quiz, I was super keen to develop an easy to use site for everyone to access. I know how now more than ever, it’s important to stay in touch with the ones we love and felt Quz Chat was a fun way to combine video chatting and quizzing! I also understand how important privacy and security is, and this was a priority when developing the site. We don’t use any cookies, don’t require any personal information and don’t share this with anyone. So, start a chat, get quizzing and enjoy!” Developer Jordan Finneran So from everyone at the Quz Chat team…we hope you enjoy this new quarantine quizzing experience! Stay Safe and Carry on Quizzing Quz Chat ” – Jordan Finneran

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