Walkie — Real time voice chat for your team.

“ Hey Hunters 👋, UPDATE: Send me a DM on Twitter to prioritize your Early Access! The PH community will receive priority invites. Josh here, creator of Walkie, an app designed to facilitate stronger communication between teammates with less typing. Walkie is the culmination of a lot of learning over the years about how teams work both co-located and remotely. We've tried to create a product that feels transparent—as in, you don’t think about using it—in order to better bridge the gap between being together in person and working from different locations. Our team has spent a lot of time optimizing the backend to get person-to-person connections to feel nearly instant. The product is designed to align with the way folks work, while also being acutely aware of your privacy and availability. We've spent a lot of time experimenting with different ways to make the voice chat feel seamless but not disruptive—we're keenly aware just how annoying it is to be interrupted when deep in work. While our team loves video products like Zoom, we also know how exhausting it is to constantly be on video call after video call and having to appear focused and attentive (or even just camera-presentable) all the time. Walkie is exclusively a voice-based product for this reason, and we feel strongly about this trade-off. We've just started testing with a number of teams and are planning to provide more Early Access invites soon. We’d love to hear your thoughts on the product, so please AMA below! ” – Joshua Gross

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