Satoshi Nakamoto, is that you? Bitcoin mined in 2009 moves for the first time

A chunk of Bitcoin has just moved for the first time since it was mined way back in 2009, causing some to speculate that Satoshi Nakamoto has returned. The shift was detected by Twitter-based blockchain monitor @whale_alert, which confirmed that the 40 BTC featured in the transaction were mined in the first month of Bitcoin‘s existence. 👤👤👤 40 #BTC (391,055 USD) transferred from possible #Satoshi owned wallet (dormant since 2009) to unknown wallet ℹ️ The coins in this transaction were mined in the first month of Bitcoin’s existence. Tx: — Whale Alert (@whale_alert) May 20, 2020 Back then, the… This story continues at The Next Web Or just read more coverage about: Bitcoin